Author: Michelle


Rukket Grasshopper Soccer Goals

I have to preface this review with saying that we are not a soccer family, my kids don’t play soccer; my daughter is a gymnast and my son would rather ride his bike. That being said...


Bear Meadows Lodge Wellsboro PA

My husband and I recently celebrated our 14 year wedding anniversary and wanted to do our first ever weekend getaway without the kids and dogs (typically we camp). We had talked about getting a hotel but...


Rugged Mountain Backpack

I saw the video for this Rugged Material backpack and knew my husband had to have it, at first he didn’t feel the same. He was worried that because it rolled down and didn’t zip that...


Shark Week Pillow Pet

Pillow pets have certainly evolved and this new one for Shark Week is no exception. My daughter had two pillow pets including the new one that smells like [amazon text=chocolate chip cookies&asin=B01ATV5P18] (its amazing) and my...


FlowerMoon Real Flower Jewelry

I recently was approached by FlowerMoon by Kittoune to review a piece of their jewelry, they asked me to pick out my favorite from their website which proved to be almost impossible. Here is my review which you can...