Tagged: gift


Amazon Echo Spot

I recently decided that I wanted a [amazon text=Ring Doorbell&asin=B072QLXK2T] and also decided that I wanted an Echo Spot to view my doorbell on. I’ve completed a review of the doorbell and here are the basics...


Ring Doorbell

  I recently upgraded my [amazon text=Echo Dot&asin=B0792K2BK6] to an [amazon text=Echo Spot&asin=B073SQYXTW] and the main reason for that is that I wanted a ring doorbell. Obviously there are other great reasons to upgrade but that...


Lineway LED Light Strip That Works With Alexa

This LED light strip is one of the first products I’ve had the opportunity to review that works with our Alexa app/ [amazon text=Echo Dot&asin=B01DFKC2SO] and we have admittedly been having a lot of fun with...


Allen and the Nordic Gnome Book

At Christmas time I have 3 books that I read to my kids every Christmas Eve before bed and they have become tradition, Night Before Christmas, Elf On The Shelf and the classic Charlie Chimp’s Christmas....


Handmade Swedish Tomte Gnome

Guess who got another Swedish gnome to review, this girl did! And guess who is super excited to have another [amazon text=Swedish Gnome&asin=B06VWXB2PP] hanging out on her living room shelf, this girl! If you’ve seen my...


3D Light FX

If you’re anything like me you tend to wander around Target from time to time especially if you happen to be kid free for an hour or two. Also, if you are like me wandering around...