Tagged: gift


Hamer Blue Choker Statement Necklace

This choker necklace reminds me of something an alien princess would wear. 🙂 To say this [amazon text=necklace&asin=B01DFBBM16] is unique is an understatement. I actually received a few necklaces from this company and they are all unique...


Cheerwing Voyager UFO Quadcopter

I have reviewed my fair share of quadcopters and they are all different and unique in their own way but this UFO one takes the cake as far as design, flyability and all over coolness. I...


Portable Camping Hammock

I admittedly did not get this hammock because it is portable, I got it to use on my kid’s playground/tree fort. All the neighbor kids come to our house to play and I thought it would...


Amosting GPTOYS RC Truck

We’ve tried two vehicles from this company now (Amosting), this [amazon text=car&asin=B019BY68UG] and their [amazon text=monster truck&asin=B017AYXV9U]. Actually we got the [amazon text=monster truck&asin=B017AYXV9U] and when this one became an option my husband couldn’t wait to...


Adult Coloring Book

  I received 4 coloring books from this company, 2 of the swear word books (so much fun) and then this one and one called, “Eat, Drink and Be Merry”. I filmed my review to show...