Tagged: scooter


Jumphigh Kids Scooter

  I have to admit when I first got this and opened it up I wasn’t overly happy mainly because there was hardware in the bottom of the box just loosely hanging out in there but...


Jumphigh Sit or Stand Scooter Review

I like this scooter and the concept of this scooter but there are a couple of issues with it. Pros:It seems very sturdyI like that it is a [amazon text=sit or stand scooter&asin=B0183CYKY8] which makes it...


Cheetah Sports 3 wheeled scooter

I got this Cheetah sports 3 wheeled scooter as a gift so I have to admit that it hasn’t been used yet but I wanted to at least do a video review of the product so...


Rimable Folding Scooter Updated Model

Rimable does it again! I had reviewed the older model of thisĀ [amazon text=scooter&chan=mwlr affiliate id&asin=B014AKGXHE] a while ago and loved it because both my kids (3 and 10) could ride it. This updated version is even...