Tagged: robot


Infinuvo Hovo 710 Pet Series Robot Vacuum

  This is the second Infinuvo Hovo I’ve received the other one is similar to the [amazon text=Infinuvo Hovo 650&asin=B0186MD58M] and I use it almost daily. This one is surprisingly different and it left me with the decision...


LELEC Robot Vacuum

  I love this [amazon text=vacuum&asin=B00R7Q974A]. It might not be saving me any time however because instead of vacuuming the floor myself I now sit and watch this little device work because I am mesmerized. As...


Infinuvo Hovo Robot Vacuum

https://youtu.be/gRN1b8mCIYs This is my second robot [amazon text=vacuum&chan=mwlr affiliate id&asin=B00UKLGFZI] and I see features that I really like with this one more than my current one and a couple things I think could be better. First, this...