Guards Against Insanity Edition 1 (Unofficial Cards Against Humanity Expansion Pack)
This is the second [amazon text=expansion pack &asin=B00YAWF9A0]Â I have been able to try out and this one was far superior to the previous pack I tried and I thought the one I previously tried was great. If you are a fan of [amazon text=Cards Against Humanity &asin=B004S8F7QM]Â you know that there are a few cards that if you play them, no matter what you are going to get the judge’s vote, now imagine a pack where almost all of the cards are those types of cards; this is that pack.
This [amazon text=Guards Against Insanity &asin=B00YAWF9A0]Â set is so bad and I mean that in the best possible way. It is in fact so bad that I barely had any choices of cards to show on my review that would not instantly need to be censored. My neighbors, my husband and I played this Halloween night and could not stop laughing, we were all in a constant state of shock of what we just read and laughing uncontrollably . I also played this with my parents (my dad loves cards against humanity) and I haven’t heard my parents laugh that hard in a very long time.
If you have a wonderfully horrible sense of humor and you are not easily offended or better yet if you almost never offended you are going to love this expansion pack. Everyone who has played this with me has commented on how great it is. I look forward to future editions from this company.
[amazon text=Click Here For Detailed Product Information From Amazon&asin=B00YAWF9A0]