Excelvan Bluetooth Smart Watch
For the main part once you get used to it this is actually easy to use. I think a lot of people might have issues because we are conditioned to use a touch screen and this works with buttons. The hardest thing for me when using this was setting up the bluetooth. I have put instructions on how to do this in the video I created and I hope that it is helpful. The good news is you only have to do this once. Also, I screwed up in the video the remote notifications I say is for the remote camera obviously it is not. So here’s the basic pros and cons of this [amazon text=bluetooth watch &chan=mwlr affiliate id&asin=B00MVT5YCM].
[amazon asin=B00MVT5YCM&template=iframe image&chan=mwlr affiliate id]
*It looks cool
*It’s comfortable to wear
*Once you get used to it it is quite easy to use
*The sound quality is fine both for the caller and receiver, I had a conversation on it with my dad and he could hear me fine and he can’t hear anything
*You feel super cool when you wear it
*It is a little quirky at first especially when setting up the Bluetooth
*The files for the fitness and BT are a little large and take a while to download
*The fitness app is only in metric
*The watch is only a 24 hour watch
*I am having issues with answering calls on my Galaxy S4 without physically answering them on my phone, I can however hang up from calls without an issue and answer phones on an Iphone without issue
*The photo capture is primitive
No matter what once you get used to using this it is fun and cool and I know a lot of people that would love to have one.
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