CoolReall Self Balancing Scooter
I got this for my daughter for Christmas but I wanted to make sure I reviewed it before Christmas as I know a lot of people are asking for these [amazon text=self balancing scooters &asin=B017S8KBRS] as gifts. This is the reason for the bad lighting in spots on my video review and it is also the reason why I had to have my neighbor come over and test it for me because my daughter who would usually test things can’t know about it until December. All that being said, now my neighbor wants one. 🙂
First impressions: (1) this is quite heavy, it is not the sort of thing you’re going to carry around with you and whip out at a moment’s notice. (2) it is pretty. The red on this [amazon text=self balancing scooters &asin=B017S8KBRS]Â is a candy apple red and gives it the feeling of this generations radio flyer red wagon. This comes with the charger that lights up to tell you when it is charging and a pretty simple user’s manual. I did charge it before testing it but according the user’s manual it only take an hour to charge (I didn’t keep a good eye on it because my 3 year old is home sick). This also comes with a carry case; if you’re planning on using the carry case I hope you have access to a hot tub or a good chiropractor because I can’t imaging carrying this around a lot. (I’m not going to weigh it but I think it would be around the 25-30 pound range.) That being said, as my neighbor pointed out if it were any lighter it would be dangerous.
I do have to say that my neighbor was a figure skating instructor and has very good balance so she may not be the best person to judge as a beginner of this product because she picked it up fairly quickly. Also since we were in my room there were not any rocks or pebbles to be worried about but since the wheels on this are rubber I don’t know if that would be an issue or not.
My neighbor also supplies some basic riding tips in the review that may be helpful to people just starting out. This is apparently a good workout because you basically have to squat while riding it and engage your core for stability. She really enjoyed it though and said she thought it would be a good thing for her son who has a sensory processing disorder and this would help to teach him how to focus and engage on one thing.
Overall so far I am trilled with this and I know my daughter will be elated come Christmas morning to get this [amazon text=CoolReall Self Balancing Scooter&asin=B017S8KBRS]. If there are any issues or I come across anything else that I think might be helpful after Christmas I will update my review but for now I hope that this helps a little for anyone who is wondering about this product.
[amazon text=Click Here For Detailed Product Information From Amazon&asin=B017S8KBRS]
what do you think about this one I would really appreciate your opinion
This looks like it would be a good one (and it’s cute). The biggest thing from what I’ve read is that it needs to have either a Samsung or an LG battery, these seem to be more safe. Also the more you spend (usually) the better the materials. The speed on this one, according to the specs, seems good as well. I also like the fact that it has a dull finish. The one that I reviewed is already scratched up from my daughter riding it like crazy but I told her that is what stickers are for. 🙂 I have seen some with some protective pieces on the tops of the wheels that seem like it would be a good thing to have. I hope this helps. Good luck.