Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil


I have quite a few different essential oils but I go through eucalyptus the quickest. I absolutely love the smell of eucalyptus and this oil doesn’t disappoint.

I use [amazon text=eucalyptus oil&asin=B00X2Y8CLU] mostly in my diffusers because my son and I both have allergies and when we are especially congested sleeping with eucalyptus mist vaporizing next to us helps a ton. The other thing I like to do is add it to my [amazon text=essential oil necklace&asin=B019JP6KF0] so I can wear it around my neck and help me breathe when I’m sick or dealing with my stupid allergies.

This is 100% pure according to the bottle and according to what I’ve read online on how to test it. I have included a video review so that you can see how the drops come out of the bottle, I hate when they come out too quickly and this dropper worked exactly how I expected it. I put a drop on white paper because I read that this is a good way to test it and when it dried I could not see where I had dropped it which surprised me because the drop was quite large. There was no greasy feel to this and all I could smell was the eucalyptus oil which is exactly what you want. From everything I’ve read this is indeed 100% pure.

The moment that I added the drop to the paper to test it I could feel my nose clear up which was impressive because I didn’t even realize that I was stuffed up.

I’m pretty impressed with this oil and now that it is starting to get warmer and my allergies are going to kick into high gear I’m very glad that I have it.

[amazon text=Click Here For Detailed Product Information From Amazon&asin=B00X2Y8CLU]

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